Flat-out fantastic.
I loved this game from beginning to end. This is all the more impressive when I realize I spent 2 1/2 hours on a flash game. The gameplay was fantastic. It was simple but there was enough variation it stayed fresh. The upgrades and features were amazingly balanced. The music (when there was music) was substantial. I like the songs you played during the bar cut scenes. Very appropriate. The Street Fighter II credit music was great too. At first I thought the graphics could use a little more edge but the more I played the more I fell for their charm (though there's always room for improvement). The cut scenes actually got some laughs out of me. Let's face it, you weren't writing Shakespeare here but your brother did a great job with his who-am-I-kidding attitude. I especially loved the scenes where you used silly excuses for the limitations of gameplay mechanics like why the stranger made you pay money and "bunnies only attack from the West". Then Mr. Frost just shoots the stranger at the last cut scene (how convenient). The characters all had a place in story (if not the gameplay) and they were all charming as hell. The final dialog between the woman and Mr. Frost was a great way to sum up their relationship (or lack there of), show Mr. Frost's personality, put the icing on the tasty cake of a story and open up for a sequel. That and you're a year younger than I am? God, certainly more than I've done with flash lately. If you ever want an artist with knowledge in flash animation contact me (although you probably enjoy doing your own art). Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for making this game. I can't wait for the sequel.